[创业] Confucius Institute invites you to the seminar on Chinese teaching materials

龙一 发表于 2011-11-7 16:42:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Dear people who are interested in Chinese teaching and learning,

The Confucius Institute is going to hold a seminar on the topic of Chinese teaching materials on 22 November 2011. This seminar focuses on the topic of the use of teaching materials in school-level Chinese teaching. We are pleased to invite you to participate in this seminar.

The agenda of the seminar:

12.45 Lunch in the city hall canteen

13.30 Introduction by Dr. Xiangyun Du, Director of Confucius Institute

13.45 – 16.00 Introduction to Kaile Hanyu by Bao Rui, Chinese Language Lecturer

16.20 – 18.00 Discussion

18.00 – 20.00 Dinner

Location: Confucius Institute Learning Center, Boulevarden 13, 9000 Aalborg, ground floor.

Please apply to participate in this seminar by sending your personal information tohli10@student.aau.dk no later than 12:00 on 18 November 2011.

Best Regards,
Confucius Institute for Innovation & Learning
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zimazhuzhu 发表于 2011-11-8 11:25:54 | 显示全部楼层
帮人问,尽管有写for the people who are interested in Chinese teaching and LEARNING,请问是主要针对培训teaching的人士还是有兴趣想学习中文的人来这个研讨会也会有帮助?谢谢
 楼主| 龙一 发表于 2011-11-8 11:50:09 | 显示全部楼层
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