心桥圣诞 Heart-bridge Christmas 05/12/2015

leo19880815 发表于 2015-11-27 12:17:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

在这个普世欢腾的佳节, 我们会一起品尝丹麦传统圣诞餐 (Julefrokost)。

哥本哈根大学人类营养学教授皮尔博士将再度莅临,一道「饮食、医学与哲学」,谈饮食与健康的相互关系,并探討东西方飲食文化差異 。我們并会有交换礼物的丹麦圣诞体验,请预备一份礼物来交换 (30dkk左右), 和穿著红色为主的衣服! 欢迎邀请你的朋友們一起参加!

In the month of Christmas, Heart-Bridge invites you to join the warm and joyful celebration. We will serve traditional Danish Christmas dinner (Julefrokost).

Our guest speaker, Professor Per Sangild, Department of Human Nutrition, University of Copenhagen, will talk about “Food, Medicine and Philosophy”. He will share the interrelationship between food and health with us, and explore the different food cultures in East and West.

Remember to prepare a gift (worth about 30 DKK) for the gift exchange game and dress in RED! Bring your friends to join us on 5th Dec!

*本活动以英文进行。The event will be conducted in English.

日期 Date: 05/12/2015 (Saturday)
时间 Time: 17:00 - 20:30
地点 Place: København Vineyard, Nyvej 7, 1851 Frederiksberg C

费用含圣诞餐Entrance fee includes Christmas dinner (Julefrokost):
2015 - 16 会员 Member: 免費 Free  
非会员 Non-member: 40 kr.
临场登记 Walk-in: extra 10 kr.

欢迎任何人参加 All are welcome.
查询 Enquiry: info@heart-bridge.dk

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