
zhang710528 发表于 2013-12-27 03:46:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


轉讓中國非物質文化遺產傳承大師吳建堂捻條畫: 178cmx97cm《雙雄夜影》雙虎圖,178cmx97cm《君子風骨》蘭石圖, 68cmx68cm《情誼圖》雙魚圖。歡迎來信索閱作品圖片。歡迎有緣藏家購買接手收藏或中介,中介費10%-12%。誠實待客,請放心聯繫。聯繫人:張先生;聯繫方式:+86-0595-88380693、13599211444(全球通)、13599156607。郵箱: zhang13599211444@126.com



《情誼圖》雙魚圖主題思想:萬眾生靈皆因人類無休止的慾望、索求,忽視道德和科學發展觀而滅絕!其結果卻致命地危害了人類自身的正常生存與發展。藝術家吳建堂畫這朝貢皇帝2000餘年,而今卻臨於絕種的“江團魚”以喚醒人們愛惜生命,保護大自然。江團魚生於24米深的江河岩洞之中,每年冬眠3個月。口生於下頜之腹面,鼻吻突前,形態極其阿娜俊麗,通身肌肉無刺,其味極鮮美,補腦,心而延年益壽。可惜這樣的珍魚在二十年前就瀕於絕種了!人類應當反思! ......其次,藝術家吳建堂畫魚以激發人們逆水奮進以及抒發人們知曉魚水融合的哲學道理並倡導和諧、博愛,以及用畫魚來表現更深層次的人倫與哲理的內涵,及佛學奧理。 ......此種魚恰好正宗產於藝術家吳建堂(綽號“吳江團”)的家鄉:四川省青神縣風光秀麗的平羌小三峽中。古人魯班以“江團”二字命名此種魚,是為悼念他投江殉情的姓江、姓團的一對男女弟子而始稱的,有一節意味深長的歷史故事! 《情誼圖》也正描述著這樣的一個故事。作品尺寸:68cmx68cm;作品狀態:宣紙、斗方、全新品、未裝裱;轉讓價格:每平尺100萬元人民幣。

吳建堂大師藝術簡歷:又名吳踐堂,1936年出生,祖籍廣東梅州,後世移居四川眉山青神縣,現常住北京。畫歷達74年,為一代繪畫宗師“中國才子畫家”吳道悲教授之子。他繼承並大大革新了捻條畫,且發明了捻條油畫,世譽為“捻條畫父子發明人”。現為中國捻條畫研創院院長、聯合國文化總署文化大使、香港特別行政區書畫社副社長、中國工藝美術協會名譽主席、英國皇家藝術研究院榮譽院士、座客教授、香港遠程工程學院特聘教授、香港皇家社會科學院院士、爵士、中華名人協會書畫研究院院士、中國國畫院名譽院長、文化部中國德藝雙馨書畫院榮譽院長、中國一級美術師、中國非物質文化遺產(捻條畫)傳承大師、世界唯一資深捻條畫大師、中國書法美術家協會副主席、國際美術家聯合會理事、中國近代畫家前200名之一。自4歲起隨父吳道悲教授學畫,幸受父之畫友徐悲鴻、張大千、關山月等中國畫大師的指導。 1993年,捻條畫《三魚圖》榮獲中國全國畫展一等獎,被徐悲鴻夫人接見,題贊其作品為“巧妙的藝術”;1999年捻條畫《雙魚圖》榮獲第五屆國際書畫展美術金牌獎、《蘭石圖》獲第三屆世界華人藝術大會香港大型藝術展特別金獎,被授予“世界傑出藝術家”和“傑出華人藝術家”稱號,被關山月大師接見和香港鳳凰衛視許戈輝採訪。 17年來,藝績被中國中央電視一、二、四、七台以“中國一絕”欄目播放達七十餘次,被國內外120餘家主流(包括中國人民日報、人民日報海外版、中國解放軍報、中國四川日報、中國文化報、中國書畫報、中國四川日報、團結報、香港大公報、加拿大華文報、俄羅斯報、風雲人物報、日本香港畫冊、收藏界雜誌、世界藝術雜誌、環球藝術網、中國中央電視台、中國教育電視台、中國四川衛視、中國山東電視台、中國北京電視台、中國深圳衛視、中國香港電視台、鳳凰衛視、)等媒體報導或追踪報導達500餘次。作品被中國文化部送展日、美、加、法、泰等數十國。

中國中央美術學院權威教授錢紹武題贊其作品為“別具天趣”。世界藝評家許慶平博士緘贊其作品曰“接函見其大作,對先生於崎嶇道路勇敢開拓之精神十分欽佩,江團魚形象動態俱佳,真傑作矣!”早在1940年的成都,徐悲鴻先生在捻條畫展的開幕式上就大書了“怪筆神功,獨特無雙”八個大字,肯定了捻條畫藝術。成都南虹藝專創始人趙志昌教授,題贊捻條畫曰“讀萬卷書,行萬里路方能至也!”吳建堂以其生涯艱險、離奇和具傳奇色彩二鑄成其特有的蒼莽激揚的繪畫風格。為世上第一個畫貢魚“江團魚”的人,使已絕蹟的“桃花江”和存世甚微的“墨江”及“粉江”珍類魚,以鮮活的姿容展現於世,填補了中國、乃至世界魚類的繪畫空白,世譽為“吳江團”。十多年來先後在徐悲鴻紀念館、中央美術學院、中國中國深圳大學、中國全國人大、中國釣魚台國賓館、中國國防部、中國公安部、中國海軍司令部、中國廣州軍區作過畫,備受好評。作品及傳略被收入《世界文藝名家大辭典(第一位)》、中国文化部《文化强国(第一位)》、中国文化部《60年60家(第二位)》、中国文联《开宗立派的一代艺术宗师(第一位)》、中国文联《中國美術豐碑(第二位)》、《可爱中国(第一位)》、全球風雲人物美術榜-亞非歐上榜《首屆全球六大國寶級書畫美術大師(第一位)》、《中華人民共和國名家作品集》、《中華脊梁》(瞭望周刊主辦)、《中國書畫家大辭典》、《世界書畫家大辭典》、《世界著名書畫家真跡博覽大辭典》《中國國畫百人佳作選》、《中華人民共和國書畫名家作品集》等上百部辭書大典。 2008年泰國國王把吳建堂捻條畫《三魚圖》作為裝飾掛於家庭大廳上;2009年被評為“中國非物質文化遺產傳承大師”;2010年被《全球論壇人物報》列為亞洲十大畫家首位;2012年,吳建堂大師被該報收入《全球首屆六大國寶級書畫美術大師》列首位,和國家領導人習近平、萬達集團總裁王建林、著名演員趙本山四位一起被收入2012年12月號《南方航空》刊物向全球廣泛推介。

捻條畫是用經特殊處理後的紙頁折疊成“圓”、“扁”、“齊”、“丫”等各式的“型條”,以代替毛筆蘸墨蘸色,並配以“打”、“拉”、“彈”、“滾”得獨特技法所作的中國畫。是1935年吳建堂父親吳道悲教授在戰亂逃荒中丟失了毛筆,急於寫生眼底河山,“因禍得福”而偶然首創的。它具粗獷美、凌亂美、蒼勁美的特色和灑脫、激放、斑駁、樸拙、野莽的視覺刺激,是繪畫領域發掘出的另一種藝術哲理和藝術理論的表現形式。它繼承傳統又革新了傳統,真切地表達了自然美的真諦,給人全新的藝術享受,這些都是毛筆及油畫刀筆無法實現的藝術效果。捻條畫豐富了世界藝術的寶庫,堪稱“世界繪畫藝術的奇葩”。 2009年來吳先生髮明了“捻條油畫”,是另一次大膽的革創,被人民日報以圖文並茂報導了三次,海內外200餘家主流媒體也先後進行了報導。其捻條油畫處女座系列之一1.1平尺《山晨之歌》被新加坡藏家以260萬元收藏。吳建堂大師畫壇地位現在還沒有定格在哪個層面,但其作品的特殊性和中國畫藝術的廣泛性,足矣把其捻條畫定位在中國畫的改革與創新上。紀念建國六十週年《中國美術豐碑》將其列入其中。加之海外多個國家、特別是歐洲對其作品的認可,尤其對其作品的廣泛宣傳及收藏界的認可,吳建堂大師是中國為數極少被歐美等多個藝術文化底蘊深厚國家認可的繪畫大師之一,其地位已經名副其實的列在了當今畫壇的頂端,中國文化部將其排名“中國近代畫家”前200名之一。其作品《雙魚圖》和《蘭石圖》被收入《中國百幅名畫大辭典》並載入“世界名畫庫”。


吳建堂,2008年泰國國王把吳建堂捻條畫《三魚圖》作為裝飾掛於家庭大廳上。 2009年被授以”世界傑出藝術家“和”傑出華人藝術家“稱號;非物質文化遺產傳承畫家”(大師)。2010年在中國釣魚台國賓館被授以“2010年中國最具影響力的十佳人物”;被《收藏家》評為“21世紀最具收藏價值的中國畫大家”;被《全球論壇風雲人物報》列為“亞洲十大畫家”之一;被收入《世界文藝名家大辭典》、中国文化部《文化强国》、中国文化部《60年60家》、中国文联《开宗立派的一代艺术宗师》、中国文联《中國美術豐碑》、《可爱中国》、全球風雲人物美術榜-亞非歐上榜《首屆全球六大國寶級書畫美術大師》、《中華人民共和國名家作品集》等重要史冊。2012年被《全球論壇風雲人物報》評為“全球首屆六大國寶級書畫美術大師”之一併刊入史冊永久載留;被中國南方航空刊物重點推介。吳建堂大師在繼承中華傳統的基礎上、在工具、技法和繪畫理論上均變革了傳統繪畫,被譽為一代開宗立派的大師。


The transfer of Chinese intangible cultural heritage "China must" Wu Jiantang twist of painting

The transfer of Chinese intangible cultural heritage of painting master Wu Jiantang twist: 178cmx97cm "Hutch Night Shadow" Double Tiger, 178cmx97cm "gentlemen's strength of character" blue stone figure, 68cmx68cm "friendship map" Pisces map. Welcome letter of access works picture. Welcome destined to take over the collection of collectors to buy or intermediary, the intermediary fee of 10% -12%. Honesty, please feel free to contact. Contact: Mr. Zhang; Contact: +86-0595-88380693,13599211444 (GSM), 13599156607. E-mail: zhang13599211444@126.com

"Hutch Night Shadow" double Tiger theme: VIA ancient China, Wu Jiantang tiger to mark the prestige, to wipe out the modern revenge for centuries been bullied shame. Even demure night should not relax our vigilance, we must have a strong national defense as a guarantee, so interference and misappropriation of my homeland enemies tremble with fear. Optical port, said no matter, we must have the strength and action retaliate. Should keep the enemy at bay. Twist of a tiger, rough mad, freshened up, put the line swing, long enough to cut hair to express individuality and spirit of Jing grams of risk between the ink and the line shape. Filesize: 178cmx97cm; work status: rice paper, banners, all new, unmounted; transfer price: 1 million yuan per square foot.

"Gentlemen strength of character" ORCHID theme: blue living in the mountains, Hong Yi Zhong knot, and not fight over Qun Shi Yan wins forever modesty without fear frost heat, standing cliff one hundred million contained therein without the variable quality and ambition, true gentleman the strength of character to carry on! Now, the name of Paul laity chase forces and compared it not ashamed of peace! Filesize: 178cmx97cm; work status: rice paper, banners, all new, unmounted; transfer price: 1 million yuan per square foot.

" Friendship map" Pisces Figure theme : Peoples lives because the endless human desire , demand , ignore the moral and scientific concept of development and extinction ! The result was fatally harm to human survival and development of its own normal . The artist painted this tribute Emperor Wu Jiantang 2000 years , and now they come upon extinction " river turtle " to awaken people to cherish life , the protection of nature. Born in 24 meters of river turtle river caves among the annual hibernation three months. Born in the ventral mandible mouth , nose snout , form extremely Ana Junli , Tongshen muscle without thorns, which taste very delicious , brain, heart and longevity. Unfortunately, this twenty years ago Janet Fish verge of extinct ! Human beings should reflect ! ...... This is just authentic fish produced in the artist Wu Jiantang (nicknamed "Wujiang group") hometown: Qingshen beautiful scenery of the Three Gorges Pingqiangjiang small. Luban to the ancients, "Jiang Mission" word naming this fish is to die for love of a river mourn his surname Jiang, a group of men and women disciples and said before the surname, there is meaningful historical stories section! "Friendship map" are also described with such a story. Works Dimensions: 68cmx68cm; work status: rice paper, Doufang, all new, unmounted; transfer price: 1 million yuan per square foot.

Wu Jiantang Masters Art Resume: aka Wu Jian Tong, born in 1936, native of Meizhou, Guangdong, Sichuan Meishan Qingshen later moved, now resident Beijing. Picture calendar of 74 years, for the generation of painting master "Chinese genius painter," Professor Wu Dao sad child. He inherited and greatly revolutionized the twist of the painting, and the invention of the twist of the painting, the world as the "twist inventor of painting and his son." China is now the twist of painting Dean for Research and Innovation, the United Nations cultural Department Cultural Ambassador, vice president of the Hong Kong SAR Calligraphy Society, honorary chairman of the China Arts and Crafts Association, an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Academy of Arts, Professor passenger seat, Distinguished Professor of Engineering, Hong Kong Institute of Remote Hong Kong Academy of the Royal Society, Sir, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Fine Art celebrity Association, honorary president of Chinese Painting Institute, the Ministry of Culture honorary president of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute smashing, a Chinese artist, Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage (twisting of the painting) Masters tradition, the world's only senior twist of painting masters, vice chairman of China Calligraphy Artists Association, director of the International Federation of artists, painters before 200 Chinese modern one. 4-year-old father from Professor Wu Daobei studied painting under the guidance of my friends Fortunately, the father of Xu Beihong, Zhang Daqian, watching the mountains and other Chinese painting masters. In 1993, the twist of the painting "Three Fish Map" won the first prize of the Chinese National Art Exhibition, to be met with Ms. Xu Beihong, title praise his work as "smart art"; 1999 twist of the painting "Pisces map" painting won the Fifth International Gold Medal of Fine Arts Exhibition, "blue stone" won major art exhibition in Hong Kong Special Award Third World Conference of Chinese art, was awarded the "World Outstanding Artist" and "outstanding Chinese artist" title, was interviewed Guanshanyue Masters and Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV Xu Gehui interview. 17 years ago, China Central Television Arts performance is one, two, four, seven "China must" play up to seven dozen columns, is more than 120 domestic and international mainstream (including China Daily, People's Daily, China Liberation Army Daily, China Daily, Sichuan, China Culture Daily, Chinese calligraphy and painting, Chinese Sichuan Daily, unity newspaper, Ta Kung Pao, Hong Kong, Canada, Chinese-language newspaper, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the man reported that Japan, Hong Kong pictures, collectors magazine, Art World Magazine, Global Art network, China Central Television, China Education Television, China Sichuan TV, China Shandong TV, China Beijing TV Station, Shenzhen, China TV, China, Hong Kong TV, Phoenix TV,) and other media reports or tracking reports of more than 500 times. Works were sent for exhibition days, the United States, Canada, France, Thailand and other dozens of countries Chinese Ministry of Culture.

Professor of China Central Academy of Fine Arts authority Qian Shaowu title praise his work as " unique days of fun ." World art critic Dr. Xu Qingping chien praise his work called "The letter then reflected masterpiece of Mr. courageous pioneering spirit of the rugged roads in great admiration , the image of a dynamic river turtle is superb, really a masterpiece now!" As early as 1940 in Chengdu , Mr. Xu Beihong at the twist of the exhibition 's opening ceremony on the big book of the " strange magic pen , unique unparalleled " eight characters , and certainly a twist of painted art. Chengdu South Rainbow Art College founder Professor Zhao Zhichang , questions like twist of paintings called " read a trip order to have ! " Wu Jiantang their career and dangerous , quirky and with two legendary cast boosting its unique indistinct style of painting. Tribute to the world's first fish painting " River turtle " who make extinct " Peach Blossom " and little surviving "Ink River " and " Powder River " Jane class fish , fresh appearance to show the world , to fill the gaps Chinese painting , and the world of fish , the world as " Wujiang group ." Xu Beihong Memorial has in the past decade , the Central Academy of Fine Arts , China China Shenzhen University , China National People's Congress , China Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, the Chinese Defense Ministry , Chinese Ministry of Public Security , China Naval Command , China Guangzhou Military Region have painted , highly acclaimed . Works and biography income " world famous literary dictionary ( the first one ) ," the Chinese Ministry of Culture " cultural power ( the first one ) ," the Chinese Ministry of Culture , " 60 -year 60 ( second place ) ," China Federation "On cases Leekpai generation arts master ( the first one ) , " China Federation " Chinese art monument ( second place ) , "" lovely China ( the first one ) , " man of the art global standings - Asia, Africa and Europe on the list ," the first global six national treasure calligraphy master of arts ( the first one ) , "" People's Republic of famous works " , " Chinese backbone " ( Outlook Weekly Organizer ) , " dictionary of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy "," World painter dictionary " , " World famous painter Expo authentic dictionary " ," Chinese painting masterpiece hundred people selected "," people's Republic of painting and calligraphy works " and hundreds of dictionaries ceremony . 2008 King of Thailand to Wu Jiantang twist of painting " Three Fish Map" as a decoration to hang on the family hall ; 2009 was named " China's intangible cultural heritage master" ; 2010 is "Global Forum on People Daily" as ten Asian the first great painter ; 2012 , Wu Jiantang Masters newspaper revenue was " the first of the six global treasure calligraphy art master" stands first , and state leaders Xi Jinping , Wanda Group Chairman Wang Jianlin , along with four famous actor Zhao Benshan revenue in December 2012 No. " China Southern Airlines " Recommend to a wide range of publications worldwide .

Twist of the painting is specially treated paper folded after a " circle ", " flat ", " Qi ", " Ah " and other kinds of "type of " in lieu of a brush dipped in ink dipped in color , and with " fight " , " pull "," bomb " , " roll " have made China a unique painting technique . 1935 Wu Jiantang lost his father Professor Wu Daobei fleeing war in the brush, eager to sketch fundus rivers and mountains , " blessing in disguise " and pioneered by chance . It has rugged beauty, messy beauty, vigorous beauty features and joy , shock release , mottled , plain, wild Mang visual stimulation, is the field of painting unearthed another manifestation of the philosophy of art and art theory. It inherits the tradition and innovation of traditional , truly expresses the essence of natural beauty , giving new artistic enjoyment, these are the artistic effect brush and painting knife pen can not be achieved . Twist treasure trove of paintings enrich the world of art, called "the world 's wonderful painting ." 2009 to Wu invented the " twist of the painting ," is another bold leather -invasive, with illustrations by the People's Daily reported three times, at home and abroad more than 200 mainstream media has been reporting . One twist of the Virgo series of paintings which 1.1 square foot "Mountain Morning Song" is home to 2.6 million yuan in Singapore Tibetan collection . Master of painting Wu Jiantang not yet fixed position at which level, but the specificity of his work and the breadth of Chinese painting , it is enough to draw positioned on the twist of the reform and innovation of Chinese Painting. To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the " Chinese art monument" to be included. Coupled with overseas countries , especially in recognition of his work in Europe , especially in recognition of their extensive publicity and collectors of works of Wu Jiantang Masters is one of the very few Chinese are recognized in Europe and America and other countries rich cultural arts painter whose status has been listed in the top veritable contemporary art world , the Chinese Ministry of Culture to be ranked one of the top 200 " China Modern painters ." His work " Pisces map" and "blue stone figure " income " Chinese one hundred paintings Dictionary" and load the " world famous paintings library ."

Chinese painting is a unique twist of the kind of painting , won the people 's favorite, due to the special nature of the work, making the collection tremendous and prospects. Favorite Wu Jiantang        twist of celebrity body painting are: former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping , President Hu Jintao , China Central Propaganda Minister Liu Yunshan , the King of Thailand , Arab princes, heads of multi-national dignitaries, world famous Chinese Chennault , Liao Jingwen , Shao Huaze , Shao Hua , fees Xiaotong , Tung Chee-hwa , the Chinese Defense Ministry , Chinese Ministry of Public Security , China Naval Command , China Nanjing Military Region , China Guangzhou Military Region , China Great Hall of China Zhongnanhai , China Diaoyutai State Guesthouse , China Art Museum, China central Academy of Fine Arts , China Shenzhen University Hong Kong Chief Executive Office , Thai palace , the Buddhist Association of China and Japan , the World entrepreneurs Association , New York , Moscow, Russia and many other important institutions at home and abroad , and friends and family Wu Jiantang other collections . His works rarely inflows folk , the market is hard to find . Tibetan community has " difficult to make money , big money harder , want to get the lay of the painting master Wu is Nanshang Nan ," said. Favorite Wu Jiantang twist of painting unlimited potential , hidden field that Wu Jiantang twist of the draw due not to the price, and now Wu Jiantang twist collection of paintings is the time.

Wu Jiantang , 2008 King of Thailand to        Wu Jiantang twist of painting " Three Fish Map" as a decoration to hang on the family hall. 2009 was awarded the " World Outstanding Artist" and "outstanding Chinese artists " title ; intangible cultural heritage painter . " ( Masters ) 2010 Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in China was granted the" 2010 China 's Top Ten Most Influential People " ; was " collector "as" the most collectible of the 21st century Chinese painting everybody " ; was " Global Forum newspaper man "as " " one ; income" Asia's Top 10 artists of the world famous art dictionary " China's Ministry of Culture " cultural power " , Chinese Ministry of Culture , " 60 years of 60 " , the China Federation " open cases Leekpai generation arts master" , the China Federation " Chinese art monument ", " lovely China " , the world's man of the art standings - Asia, Africa and Europe on the list , "the first of six major global treasure calligraphy art master ", " People's Republic of famous works" and other important history. 2012 is "Global Forum on man " as " the world's first six national treasure painting art one master " and published in the Annals permanently set into the left ; . was China Southern Airlines publication highlights the inheritance of traditional Chinese master Wu Jiantang , based on the tools, techniques and painting both theoretically change the traditional painting , known as the generation of open cases Leekpai master.


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