[移民] 心桥一周年生日活动邀请 / Heart Bridge 1st Anniversary celebration - i

liwei 发表于 2012-1-8 17:43:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

时间Time:4th.Feb.2012 (Sat)

地点Place:Café Cadeau (H.C.Ørstedsvej 28, 1879 Frederiksberg)

2012年2月,请和我们一起回顾精彩的2011,展望 2012 ~在刚过的新春时节,和海外朋友齐聚同乐,并有机会和历届讲员和丹麦家庭相见欢, 体验中丹hygge,欢迎身为心桥新朋友或老朋友的你, 共襄盛举!

It's a wonderful time to review the passing 2011 and expect the coming 2012 with us.You get the chance to meet up with supportive Danish friends and families, and experience Chinese-Danish hygge, right after the Chinese Spring Festival.Whether you are new or old friends of us, you are warmly invited to celebrate with us!

請在2月1日前报名kindly register by Feb 1st 2012

报名链接:心桥 http://heart-bridge.blogspot.com/

注册者享晚餐优惠registered: 30dkk
现场报名者unregistered: 40dkk

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