龙一 发表于 2013-3-1 14:24:08


There are several authorities you need to inform on departure.
CPR - Folkeregister
If you leave Denmark (not for holiday) you must tell the authorities.
This can be done online if you have a NemId. Online Departure
Else you must fill in a form and give or send it to a Citizen Service center. Remember
to enclose your health insurance card.
Departure form
The information can also be sent by e-mail to Folkeregister@okf.kk.dk (in this case
you must destroy your health insurance card and throw it away)
The limit of notification is 5 days!
Danish Social Security
When you leave the country you are no longer covered by the Danish Social security.
In some cases you may fully or partially retain or obtain the right to Danish social
security while working abroad. But you must meet certain conditions depending on
which country you work in.
For more information, please contact Pensionsstyrelsen - www.penst.dk
If you move abroad your taxability has to be determined
Information about residence and other relevant information when leaving Denmark to
stay abroad (www.skat.dk)
Electricity, gas, water and heating
Read your meters and inform your supplier
Københavns Energi – www.ke.dk
DONG Energy -www.dongenergy.com
Feriepenge (holiday pay)
You must contact ATP in order to receive your money. www.atp.dk
Post Danmark
Letters are sent to your new address for 6 months. Newspapers, magazines and
parcels are not sent abroad. www.postdanmark.dk
Others to inform
Your insurance company, your union and your bank.

小仙人球 发表于 2013-8-10 13:40:37


龙一 发表于 2013-8-10 16:32:48

小仙人球 发表于 2013-8-10 13:40 static/image/common/back.gif
麻烦你问一下。我现在已回国两个星期,不打算在丹麦继续呆了。我想在网上取消黄卡,请问您知不知道具体的步 ...

Departure form
The information can also be sent by e-mail to Folkeregister@okf.kk.dk (in this case
you must destroy your health insurance card and throw it away)

小柔alice 发表于 2014-5-4 19:58:09

想问一下这里 我去网站上面看了一下关于离开丹麦取消黄卡的信息,想说上面填表格让写离境日期,然后到最后一步就有一个收据,是拿着这个收据去度假金公司 他们就会给我度假金是吗,他们要求我提供回国机票什么的嘛 打算离开 可是还没有决定具体日期, 可以在网站上就写签证到期的前几天嘛

飘流的云朵朵 发表于 2014-7-15 10:03:17


lljy 发表于 2015-8-6 02:34:25


湛澄海鸥 发表于 2018-8-13 17:03:51

lljy 发表于 2015-8-6 02:34
请问一下,如果我离开了没有做这些事情,对我会有什么影响么?因为我已经回国,国内很多丹麦网址打不开,Gm ...

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